V Starptautiskais sitaminstrumentu spēles solistu un ansambļu konkurss

Amber Percussion 2024

V International percussion soloist and ensemble competition

Amber Percussion 2024

Bungu Mīnusi / Play along

Junioru grupa / Junior group

·        Act One Beginners Chriss Burgess   Act One Beginners.pdf  

         Act One Beginners Demo -1.mp3             Act One Beginners Backing-1.mp3        Act One Beginners Backing with click.mp3

·        On the Right Foot Chris Burgess On the Right Foot.pdf

         On The Right Foot Demo.mp3               On The Right Foot Backing .mp3          On The Right Foot Backing with click.mp3

I grupa / I group

·        Stone Roller Pete Rilay / Andy Staples Stoneroller.pdf

          Stoneroller.mp3                                   Stoneroller backing track with click .mp3      Stoneroller backing track without click .mp3

·        Can You hear me? Ben Beer Can You hear me.pdf  

          Can You Hear Me .mp3        Can You Hear Me backing track with click .mp3       Can You Hear Me backing track without click .mp3

II grupa / II group

·        Need I remind You? Adam Double / George Double Need I remind You.pdf

       Need I Remind You .mp3        Need I Remind You- backing track with click .mp3          Need I Remind You- backing track without click .mp3

·        Party Peaple Dave Holland / Matt McDonough Party_People.pdf

            Party People.mp3                Party People backing track with click .mp3              Party People backing track without click .mp3

III grupa / III group

·        The Spark, The Flame Pete Rilay / Andy Staples The_Spark__The_Flame.pdf

           The Spark.mp3       The Spark backing track with click .mp3       The Spark backing track without click .mp3

·        Yabba Dabba Troy Miller Yabba_Dabba.pdf

         Yabba Dabba.mp3 *

       *    Mīnusa failus lūgums jautāt uz e pasta adresi sitaminstrumentuasociacija@gmail.com / play along files pease asko to e mail adress  sitaminstrumentuasociacija@gmail.com

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